Riverview Cemetery Association Inc.

The Riverview Cemetery is in the quaint village of Oxford, New York. The cemetery sits at the top of Albany Street on the east side of the village, looking over the Chenango River Valley. Although the cemetery has been in existence for over two hundred years it was not always called Riverview.
It’s original name was the Pleasant View Cemetery and was in the hands of an organization registered as the Pleasant View Cemetery Association. This Society was formed with the sole purpose of caring for the cemetery in a proper manner. It was comprised of all women. The oldest was the Sands section and became part of the Association. If you stand on Albany Street and face Riverview, this section is to the far left.
The town historian, Vicky House, is still working on the exact time it was changed to Riverview. We do know that by February 1903 it was called the Riverview Cemetery Association. As we find out more information, we will update the site.
There are some interesting people buried in our beautiful cemetery. Uri Tracey, the founder and the first principal of the Oxford Academy as well as an assemblyman and congressman is interred here. Barnum Brown, who is commonly referred to as Mr. Bones, is also buried in the cemetery. He discovered the first remains of Tyrannosaurus Rex making him one of the most famous fossil hunters of his time.
The present-day Riverview Cemetery Association is working diligently to maintain and keep up the integrity of this historic site. We want it to remain as a beautiful and final resting place for your loved ones.
Our Rules
All work done in the Cemetery shall be done by Cemetery employees or under the control of the Superintendent of the Grounds or the Board of Directors.
All personal shall be allowed access to the Cemetery during daylight hours, observing the rules which are in effect and the propriety due the Cemetery.
Heavy trucking or other vehicle traffic shall be refused entrance to the Cemetery when, in the opinion of the Superintendent of the Grounds, injury to the roads and driveways might result.
All lots in the Riverview Cemetery are sold in accordance with the provisions of the Laws of the State of New York and shall not be used for any other purposes than as burial space for dead human beings.
The full purchase price must be paid before a lot deed will be given or burial allowed on the lot.
Interments in a lot are restricted to those entitled to burial therein according to the terms of Section 1512 of the Not for Profit Corporation Law. Permission for burial of those not entitled to burial according to the said Section must be filed with the Riverview Cemetery Association by the lot owner(s).
Except as provided for in Section 1513(C) of the Not for Profit Corporation Law, no lot owner may transfer his or her lot.
Lot owners are prohibited from allowing interments to be made on their lots for compensation.
No interment shall be allowed without a permit being first obtained from the Riverview Cemetery Association. At the time of applying for the permit, the following information must be furnished:
Name of deceased
Age of deceased, including Date of Birth, if known
Place of birth of deceased, if known
Date of death
Time and date of interment
If not an adult, the name of parent(s) or legal guardians(s) of deceased
Lot number
Concrete burial vault or concrete grave liner is required for interments in all graves purchased on or after January 1, 1985 in accordance with the provisions of Cemetery Board Directive 201.6.
Cremated remains will not be permitted to be scattered in any part of the Cemetery.
Interments on Sundays and Holidays will be governed by Cemetery Board Directives 201.8 and 201.12.
Dis-Interments will be allowed between June 1 and September 30 provided the provisions of Section 1510€ of the Not for Profit Corporation Law are complied with.
- Funerals must be at the Cemetery by 3:00 p.m. in order that workmen will have sufficient time to properly close the grave and remove equipment before 5:00 p.m.
All funeral processions and vehicles will be under the control of the Superintendent of the Grounds while in the Cemetery.
Only one monument shall be allowed on a lot and it shall be set in accordance with the general plan of the Cemetery and shall conform to said plan in size and material.
All monuments or markers must be constructed of Granite, Bronze, Marble or Bluestone.
No monuments or markers shall be permitted which utilize colors other than those of natural stone.
The bases of all monuments shall be furnished true and level so as to fit on foundations without wedging or sprawls.
No monuments will be allowed to be delivered in the Cemetery until the foundation is installed and ready to receive the monument.
All foundations will be constructed by or under the direction of the Riverview Cemetery Association.
The Riverview Cemetery Association reserves the right to remove, upon due notice to the lot owner, any embellishment on the lot, effigy, or inscription which, in the opinion of the majority of the Trustees or Directors, is unsightly or dangerous.
The Riverview Cemetery Association reserves the right to restrict the planting of shrubs and trees and to remove, upon due notice to the lot owner, any shrub or tree deemed dangerous to the public.
The Riverview Cemetery Association reserves the right to remove all flowers, wreaths, or other decoration from lots as soon as they become unsightly.
Artificial decorations are not permitted during the growing season from March 15 through November 15.
Placing of glass blocks or vases as receptacles for flowers,(either artificial or grown) on graves is prohibited and they will be removed at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
All remains placed in the vault during the winter must be removed and interred by June 1st.
All remains left in the vault after June 1st will be removed and interred. If not entitled to a burial in a family plot, they will be interred in a single grave. The expense of such interment shall be borne by those who caused the remains to be placed in the vault. Only notice shall be given in this case as shall be practical under the circumstances.
No vault or mausoleum shall be built above ground without the permission of the Board of Directors and then only in such location as they may approve.
No mausoleum will be approved for construction by the Board of Directors unless a sufficient endowment is set up to provide adequate income to maintain the structure.
Riverview Cemetery Association Board of Directors
Riverview Cemetery Association, Inc.
©2025 by Riverview Cemetery Association Inc